The Tessier classification describes the facial clefts at soft tissue as well as bone levels.
The Tessier classification describes the facial clefts at soft tissue as well as bone levels.
Illustrations of maxillofacial malformations/care techniques, designed to explain to patients and their families the multiple pathologies handled by MAFACE reference center.
Illustrations created for the national websites of Filière Santé Maladies Rares de la tête, du cou et des dents (TETECOU), health network covering rare diseases of the head, neck and teeth.
Normal Lip and Palate
Normal Lip and Palate
Normal Lip and Palate
Normal Lip and Palate
Cleft Lip and Palate
Cleft Lip and Palate
Cleft Lip and Palate
Cleft Lip and Palate
Cleft Palate
Cleft Palate
Cleft Palate
Cleft Palate
Cleft Lip
Cleft Lip
Cleft Lip
Cleft Lip
Cleft lip and cleft palate are fissure type embryopathies that can extend across the upper lip, nasal base, alveolar ridge and the hard and soft palate.
Hemifacial microsomia is characterized by an underdevelopment of the tissues on only one side of the face. 
Hemifacial microsomia is characterized by an underdevelopment of the tissues on only one side of the face. 
Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital condition resulting from an underdevelopment of the facial nerves.
Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital condition resulting from an underdevelopment of the facial nerves.
A giant congenital melanocytic nevus is a pigmented skin lesion of more than 20 cm  composed of melanocytes, and presenting with an elevated risk of malignant transformation.
A giant congenital melanocytic nevus is a pigmented skin lesion of more than 20 cm  composed of melanocytes, and presenting with an elevated risk of malignant transformation.
Treacher Collins Syndrome is severe disorder of craniofacial development characterized by hypoplasia of cheek and jaw bones, external ear abnormalities, lower-lid coloboma and absence of lower eyelashes.
Treacher Collins Syndrome is severe disorder of craniofacial development characterized by hypoplasia of cheek and jaw bones, external ear abnormalities, lower-lid coloboma and absence of lower eyelashes.
Mandibular distraction technique: in severe cases of hypoplastic jaw, the bone is cut and an internal distractor is placed to progressively move the jaw, allowing a bone callus to gradually form.

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